Zhelensky admits neutrality and refuses to militarize in an interview with Russian newspapers – Observer

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Ukraine is ready to discuss adopting a neutral law as part of its agreement with Russia, but it rejects the country’s militarization. Volodymyr Zhelensky told Russian media that the neutrality must be guaranteed by a third party and be debated through a referendum, the content of which was released this Saturday, according to Reuters.

The interview with Russian journalists lasted 90 minutes via video call, but the company added that the Russian media was barred from broadcasting or broadcasting their content by the Communications and Social Networks Oversight Organization.

In a statement issued on Sunday, Roskomnadzor, the federal oversight service for communications, information technology and mass media, ordered the Russian media not to advertise the interview and its contents. He added that an investigation has been launched into the bodies involved in an attempt to assess the legitimacy of his action. Media outlets participating in the press conference included the research website Medusa and the independent television channel Dost.

Speaking in Russian, the Ukrainian president responded by saying that the invasion had wreaked havoc on Russian-speaking cities and that the damage in Chechnya was far worse than the war itself.

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“Security and neutral guarantees and a non-nuclear country. We are ready to fulfill these promises. This is the most important thing,” Zhelensky said in a speech, where he declined to discuss Russian demands such as the militarization of Ukraine. Title: Direct and direct talks between the two countries are expected to resume in Turkey this Monday.

In the conversation, Volodymyr Zhelensky writes that Russian forces are carrying out “forcible evacuation of people” to Russia and have already taken about 2,000 children out of the city, as part of a wave of deportation of civilians to the invading country, CNN writes. . Describing the Russian siege of the city of Mariupol as “a humanitarian catastrophe”, the president said the city was “besieged by Russian troops.” “The entrances and exits from Mariupol are blocked and no one can go there with food, medicine and water.”

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