Ys X: Nordics announced for PS5, PS4, and Switch

Falcom announce Ys X: Nordic countries for Playstation 5And the Playstation 4And the converts. The most recent entry numbered and titled 35th Anniversary in yes Action RPG Series will launch in 2023 in Japan.

Get the details below.

■ about Ys X: Nordic countries

Ys X: Nordic countries

It’s been four years since the RPG was released Ys IX: Monstrum Noxwhich was launched on PlayStation 4 in 2019, has won great praise from gamers in Japan and all over the world…

in celebration of yes The 35th anniversary of the series, the most recent numbered entry Ys X: Nordic countries It will launch for multiple platforms in 2023.

The setting is the North Sea Obelia Bay, which consists of countless large and small islands. after its completion venturestand up very old In the Kingdom of Ys, young adventurer Adol Christine encounters a sea people known as the “Normans” in this new land. who are they? And who are the “cowards”, immortal zombies who attack humans…?

The battle system was even used Ys IX: Monstrum Nox Radically renovated! The new “cross a jobThe system allows the player to fight using two modes depending on the situation. In the quick “Single Mode”, the player controls one character with the help of automatic attacks and support from his partner. In the “Mixed Mode”, the player can control a series of moves of both characters simultaneously to take on powerful enemies in the fight back and forth.

in addition to, Ys X: Nordic countries It allows you to control a ship for the first time in the series. Explore the vast oceans using the nautical maps as your guide and engage in naval battles against enemy ships in this new feature that adds to the “adventure fun” for which the series is famous. Other new systems include the special ability “Mana Action”, which greatly expands the degree of freedom on fields and in dungeons.

Ys X: Nordic countries is a brand new adventure set in the North Sea Obelia Bay, featuring young adventurer Adol Christine as the protagonist. Please look to this last address at yes A series of development team that brought you Yassin VIII: Lacrimosa from Dana And the Ys IX: Monstrum Nox.

■ Screenshots of work in progress

Ys X: Nordic countries
Ys X: Nordic countries
Ys X: Nordic countries
Ys X: Nordic countries
Ys X: Nordic countries
Ys X: Nordic countries
Ys X: Nordic countries
Ys X: Nordic countries

View the first screenshots in the Gallery. Visit the official website over here.

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