Woman forced to clean up son’s vomit in supermarket

UA mother has alleged that a manager at a supermarket in Sydney, Australia, forced her to clean up her son’s vomit after he became ill.

In an anonymous publication, the woman revealed that she was paying with her children at the Australian supermarket chain Woolworths when one of them, aged two, suddenly felt ill and threw herself on the floor.

The mother immediately tried to help the boy and apologized to the supermarket staff.

However, the Daily Mail reported that the woman says she was shocked as staff “insisted” her son to clean up his own vomit.

The mother reports that she had to do it during an argument with the boys and after sending her purchases through the automatic teller machine while her son was all dirty.

“I started to clean and my son tried to run off to see the cars and the staff told another to watch me to make sure I cleaned”Mom added.

After the outbreak, the mother expected some support from netizens, but many argued that it was not the staff’s duty to clean up.

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