Who was the perpetrator of the Texas Elementary School massacre, Salvador Rolando Ramos?

Salvador Rolando Ramos turns 18 on May 16. A senator from the state of Texas says the young man used the memorial day to buy two guns, the teacher of the massacre that killed 19 children and two teachers at an elementary school in Wolde, Texas.

The dead teachers were identified as Eva Mirels and Irma Garcia, Sky News reported. Mirels had a daughter, married a police officer and had been teaching for 17 years.

According to reports, Salvador attended high school in Wolverhampton, where he lived. According to the Daily Mail, he shared pictures of weapons and ammunition on social media. In a photo posted on Instagram, the young man identified a woman: “I have a little secret. I recognized you. I’m glad.”

At a news conference, Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District Police Chief Pete Arredondo said the young man “acted alone during this heinous crime” and that he died during the shooting, revealing that Texas Governor Greg Abbott had been shot dead by Salvador police. .

Initial investigations revealed that the young man “abandoned his car and entered Rob Elementary in Wolverhampton with a handgun and possessed a firearm” – although it is not known if these were weapons he purchased. On his birthday ..

Abbott also said that his grandmother, who was hospitalized in critical condition, was shot dead by Salvador before entering the school. The motive for the shooting is not yet known.

According to police sources, the youth entered the school and opened fire. In addition, he wore a bulletproof vest, which made it difficult to stop him in advance as he had to wait for a special team.

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Authorities are now trying to understand what prompted the young man to carry out the attack on Tuesday at 12 noon (6pm local time in Lisbon) at Rob Elementary School, which has about 600 children between the ages of 5 and 11. Years.

It was the second worst school shooting in U.S. history, following the December 2012 attacks that killed 26 people, including 20 children aged 6 and 7. This was done by 20-year-old Adam Lanza, who went on a shooting spree at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut after he shot his mother and later committed suicide.

According to a friend of Salvador’s quoted in The Washington Post, the young man suffered bullying at school and fell victim to homosexual comments for sharing a photo using a black eyeliner.

Stephen Garcia describes the sniper as “good boy, shy” and “a good friend”. As for Garcia, Salvador “must get out of his shell.”

The young man recalled moments when he played with Salvador, when they played, “he went to school for breakfast”, drank mud and ate talkies. “We’m normal kids, two lazy kids.”

Stephen Garcia told the same media outlet that he lost his friend “a long time ago”. After entering high school, Garcia moved to another city with his family, and everything changed in his relationship with Salvador: “He started out as a different person,” he said, adding that the latter “continued to get worse and worse.”

When Stephen moved house, Salvador wore black, military boots and began to grow his hair “like a serial killer.” The young man says he tried to befriend his friend, but he withdrew himself, and the last time they spoke was two months ago, on a quick call, when Salvador went hunting with his uncle.

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“I think he needs psychiatric help. And resolve the relationship with family. And love,” says Garcia.

Another friend, Santos Valdes, reported the same change in behavior to The Washington Post, and one day recalled that Salvador appeared with cuts on his face. He initially said it was a cat, but later admitted that the cuts were self-inflicted.

Ruben Flores, 41, a neighbor, also reported problems with the young man and his mother. In recent months, Salvador even visited the home of his first victim grandmother.

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