Who is the “Kremlin hawk”, the most powerful man (after Putin) and the successor to the current president? – Viewer

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Nikolai Badrushev, secretary of the Russian Security Council, is said to be Vladimir Putin’s successor or even a temporary replacement. The current president of Russia must leave for health reasons.

This hypothesis has been put on the table as rumors continue to circulate that he is the Russian leader “In very bad physical and psychological condition”, In the words of Girillo Pudano, head of the Ukrainian military intelligence service. Or in a conversation with a Russian oligarch, who had access to the New Lines magazine, Putin admitted. “I’m very ill with leukemia”.

Ukrainian military intelligence chief promises: Vladimir Putin is “very sick” of cancer.

Whether Putin’s successor or not, the truth is that Nikolai Badrushev is one of the Russian leader’s insiders. Their friends, historian and political scientist Valeriz Solovage, described them as “they think alike.” Quoted By El Mundo:

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They are made of the same material. Both have a secret, very simple goal. Avoid dangers to the stateEnsuring a gradual change determined by them and not being questioned by internal and external challenges.

According to the same Spanish newspaper, Badrushev guaranteed Putin “quick and unconditional victory” in Zhelensky’s country.

Multimedia reporting in Andrivka. Radiograph of a village under Russian occupation for 30 days

Coincidentally, Ben Noble was an associate professor of Russian politics at University College London he said To the BBC: “The main battle cry is his [Patrushev] And there is speculation that Putin has moved toward his extreme position”.

The “The Kremlin hawk“Is known “Radical Nationalism, Conspiracy Worldview and Extensive Intelligence Experience”As Politico wrote in 2017, he was born in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg. Badrushev is said to have been the son of a soldier known as the “Great Patriotic War” and his mother was a nurse. Siege of LeningradThen in the Soviet Union, during World War II.

Battle of Moscow. After all, the Germans are invincible.

A year after completing his studies at the Naval Construction Company, he joined the KGB at the age of 24, where he became head of the anti-trafficking and anti-corruption unit of the Soviet secret service – and he met Vladimir. Putin became a close friend of his.

Nikolai Badrushev, the Republican Minister of Defense of the Republic of Karelia between 1992 and 1994, joined the KGB’s successor FSB a year later – with Putin as director between July 1998 and August 1999. When his comrade became Prime Minister of Russia, he was invited to the post by Boris Yeltsin. He has always been closely aligned with the current Russian leader in the FSB and later in the Russian Security Council – the most powerful organization directly linked to Putin, which talks about military and security issues – he has been secretary since 2008. ..

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