“We worship the life we ​​had before”: Denmark no longer considers Kovit-19 to be a “critical” disease and deregulation

This decision was taken at a time when the country was setting a record


Denmark will lift all restrictions imposed on the fourth wave of the epidemic on February 1, despite the number of infections. Based on this decision, the government announced this Wednesday that low-risk and high-risk immunodeficiency patients with Ómicron variant.

Govt-19 is no longer considered a “critical” disease for the community, which means the destruction of current activities: masks are no longer used in closed spaces and in restaurants, as well as in cultural and social life. Nightclubs will reopen.


“We are ready to step out of the shadow of the corona virus, say goodbye to the restrictions and welcome back to the life that existed before. The epidemic continues, but we have reached a critical juncture, “said Danish Prime Minister Med Frederickson at a news conference.

Mette Frederiksen spoke of a “milestone” and a “transition” to a new stage, stressing that this decision has the approval of the scientific committee that has been assisting the government since the onset of the Kovit-19 epidemic. “Deregulation may seem strange and paradoxical with the current scale of epidemics, but we need to look at the greater number. The most important thing is to be seriously ill and that curve has been broken,” he said.




Denmark, one of the most tested countries in the world against Covit-19, recorded 46,747 new cases in the last 24 hours, nine times more than at the peak of the second wave a year ago, but only 938. 50 minus than 2021. Have been admitted to the hospital. Currently, health officials admit that 30% to 40% of those admitted are hospitalized for other reasons and later tested positive for Govt-19.

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The total number of patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) was 40, half of the number a few weeks ago, confirming that the Ómicron is a “less harmful” variant, according to the Prime Minister. Frederickson cited higher vaccine numbers as the second determining factor: 80.6% of the DANs received full table and 60% booster coverage.

Danish officials expect more infections to continue for a few more weeks, but maintain current controls are considered unequal.

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