“We have a pilot in our house.” 911 call after F-35 crashes

FThe content of a call to emergency services by a North American pilot ejected from an F-35 fighter jet on Sunday has been made public. The owner of the house he parachuted into on Sunday also joined the call.

“There’s a pilot at our house and I think he landed in my backyard.”The owner of the house, located in South Carolina, said as quoted by the BBC.

“We will see if we can get an ambulance to take him please,” the man continued calmly in the 4-minute long call. The 47-year-old pilot also joined the call, vouching that he is “fine” with back pain after being ejected from the fighter jet. At an altitude of 2 thousand feet (about 609 meters).

“Mother, A military jet crashes. I am the pilot. We must begin the rescue mission. I don’t know where the plane is. It must have fallen somewhere. I ejected,” the pilot said.

After US authorities launched a public appeal to find the plane, its remains were found on Monday in rural Williamsburg County, about two hours northeast of the Charleston, South Carolina base.

According to the Marine Corps, cited by the BBC, the pilot was ejected due to a malfunction in the plane – which cost at least $80 million (around 75 million euros) – and landed close to the same base.

The cause of the incident with the F-35 fighter jet is still “under investigation”, the US Armed Forces statement highlighted, without providing further details to “protect the integrity” of the investigations.

Marine Maj. Melanie Salinas said the pilot was taken to a hospital and is in stable condition.

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The Marine Corps announced a two-day suspension of operations Monday as officials conducted searches near two lakes in South Carolina.

Jeremy Huggins, one of the spokesmen for the Charleston base, explained to the Washington Post that the fighter plane had a receiver-transmitter device that allowed it to be located, but it did not work for “some reason” that has not yet been identified. determined.

Also Read: US officials find wreckage of missing F-35

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