Was born. Too little intelligence or too much innocence?

Mr Putin, who took Finland and Sweden to NATO, said in an interview yesterday with Henrik Gavia e Mello, commander-in-chief of the Navy, Diorio de Noticias and the TSF, that in December, in the first major interview since the nominee’s, there was an inevitable demand for membership. The two neutral nations realized that the world was too dangerous to maintain neutrality, and that it was easier when that neutrality was on the border. “You have to be neutral when you are at the center of NATO surrounded by NATO nations. Of the uncertainties that come, the effect is the most natural.

I remember the Commander of the Navy saying about Joe Biden’s statements. US President Putin left a message: “The entry of new members into NATO is not a threat to any country.” He emphasized the need for Finland and Sweden to join NATO, and said that this was a “victory for democracy”. To the (still) most powerful president in the world, Finland and Sweden meet in alliance “all the requirements for entry, and then some”. No doubt. If so, Biden added: The process by which the US Congress “quickly” approved the demands of these Nordic countries to enter the Atlantic Alliance has already begun this Thursday, which is a necessary requirement to complete the access process. America’s “full support” is also the support of most “first world” nations.
It would be less prudent or more naive to think that the new situation would make it possible to maintain neutrality even in the beard of Vladimir Putin. The two Nordic countries are neither one nor the other, nor are they descendants of the Vikings.

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Democracy added another victory in the political arena against dictatorship. In terms of the civilized world, only the Russian invasion of Ukraine pushed Finland and Sweden down this path. Moreover, weighing the pros and cons, NATO was strengthened. Today the Atlantic Alliance is relevant and necessary. And on behalf of the Portuguese Navy, Henrik Cueva e Mello assures that he has the means ready for a call to NATO. What is needed is more resources and more budget, but this is what I mean. In a year when Europe faces the horrors of war, with no end in sight, national security must become more focused.

Director of Diario de Noticias

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