Volcano erupts in Galapagos where unique creatures live

The Wolf Volcano, located in the Ecuadorian archipelago of Galapagos, and the homeland of the world’s unique pink iguana, has begun a new eruption process, setting the direction for Galapagos National Park.

On its Twitter account, the company posted a photo of the event, which was captured by the Rangers.

The world’s most endangered pink iguanas (Conolobus marte) live on this volcano on the island of Isabella, where they share their habitat with yellow lizards and giant Selonoidis pecky turtles.

Neither Galapagos National Park nor the local Ministry of Environment have yet said whether the eruption affected species.

The first recorded eruption was in 1797.

Wolf Volcano

Wolf is the highest volcano in the archipelago at 1,707 meters above sea level and one of the five active volcanoes on Isabella Island, along with the Sierra Negra, Zero Azul, Alcido and Darwin.

The wolf volcano is not close to the populated area and poses no danger to human beings.

According to the Geophysical Institute, gas and ash clouds can be observed from 00:20 (07:20 GMT) local time to 3,793 meters above sea level and 1,943 meters above sea level. The sea.


Last August, experts from various companies analyzed strategies aimed at protecting the pink iguana, which usually lives at an altitude of 1,500 meters above sea level and its behavior or threats are little known.

Galapagos National Park Direction (PNG), Galapagos Conservancy, Island Conservation and Re: Wild participated in the analysis.

According to the last census conducted at the beginning of last August, the population of 211 pink iguanas was calculated in the wolf volcano, although 53 were found and captured, 94% of which lived more than 1,500 meters above sea level.

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Security plan

The first steps in the conservation plan will include gathering information, building permanent huts on the volcano, and controlling the species.

Experts believe it is essential to find out when and where pink iguanas build nests.

Last August, Washington Tobia, director of conservation at the Galapagos Conservancy, said, “Restriction to a single location makes organisms vulnerable, which is considered extremely dangerous by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).”

Located 1,000 kilometers west of the Ecuadorian coast in the Pacific Ocean, the Galapagos Islands are named after the giant turtles that inhabit them, 13 large islands, 6 small islands and 42 islands and are considered a natural laboratory. This allowed the English scientist Charles Darwin to develop his theory of evolution and natural selection of species.

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