Understanding the Paradox (III): Gas and Fear

Every day, five points to understand what is happening in Eastern Europe – what can change in the lives of all of us.

1 – A “long-term production crisis”.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken had already said this several weeks ago: The invasion of Ukraine was “Russian President Vladimir Putin’s plan”, “a long time ago”, a “long-running crisis”. Blingen told a joint news conference with Kiev’s diplomatic leader Dimitri Guleba in Washington: “Putin’s plan has always been to occupy Ukraine; Control Ukraine and its people; Destroy the democracy of Ukraine, which is completely different from the dictatorship he leads; Ukraine should be reclaimed as part of Russia. That is why it is the biggest security threat in Europe since World War II. Putin’s threat is a democratic victory for the post – Soviet environment. The Moscow dictator wants to fight all this.

2 – Germany went further.

This is a very serious decision in the interests of Moscow over several obstacles known in recent hours: Scholz promised to suspend certification for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, which would greatly affect Berlin’s energy strategy. Nord Stream 2 is a project owned by the Russian company Gazprom and funded by several energy companies (Engie, OMV, Shell, Uniper and Wintershall). It provides for the import of enough Russian gas into Germany to supply 26 million households. It connects Russia with Central Europe via the Baltic Sea, ensuring Russia-Germany connectivity without crossing Ukraine, Belarus and Poland. “We need to reconsider the situation, especially with regard to North Stream 2,” the Chancellor pointed out. The Berlin government is already preparing alternatives, but knows that nothing will come of it in a year or two. Biden pressed, closed with Merkel Putin, and after the occupation of Moscow, Scholes confirmed the suspension. Russia wanted to be a trump card in Germany’s gas supply. Occupy Ukraine or keep a million-dollar business: he now runs the risk of having to make an unthinkable choice.

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3 – US and UK will hold assets later.

To declare countries’ territories belonging to their neighbors, “Who does Putin think he is”? The question came from Joe Biden and was asked by the US President when he announced the first major set of sanctions on Russia in this crisis. Biden announced sanctions on the Russian elite and their families, financial institutions, but also on Russian lending. This means that Russia will not be able to finance the West, nor will it be able to negotiate its debt in the North American and European markets. “We have absolute restrictions on two large Russian financial institutions: VEB (one of the largest investment and development banks) and its military bank.” These Washington and London sanctions are not yet sufficient considering the seriousness of the threat. But Biden and Johnson save key troop cards for later possible blockades.

4 – Impossible European integration.

Arban’s Hungary (Putin’s political ally) did not penetrate the European consensus condemning Moscow, nor did Tracy block the depth of sanctions. “This is a very dangerous time for Europe,” said Porrell, the EU’s top foreign correspondent. Sanctions “will hit Russia hard and hard.” “Because of this situation, today, European countries have provided a quick response […] And reached a consensus agreement between the 27 member states. After lengthy negotiations, I accepted the embargo package that I presented to the Council. ”

5 – US sends troops, warplanes and attack helicopters to the Baltic.

The Pentagon has confirmed US troop movements in Europe in response to the situation in Ukraine. The U.S. Defense Department says about 800 troops and eight F-35 fighter jets will be sent from Italy to the Baltic region. A further 32 AH-64 Apache attack helicopters will be sent to the Baltic and Poland, a government official said.

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Biden also promised that the United States would continue to assist Ukraine, announcing that it had approved troops’ deployment of troops to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, already bordering Belarus, with Russian troops – already in European territory. . பிடன்:

“Let me be clear: these are defensive moves on our part. We have no intention of fighting Russia. We want to send a clear message: Under the agreements, the United States will defend every meter of the NATO territory along with its allies.

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