Ukrainians sign petition to grant citizenship to Boris Johnson and make him prime minister – The Observer

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A petition has been published on the official website of the Presidency of Ukraine requesting that Boris Johnson be granted Ukrainian citizenship and become Prime Minister of the country. The project already has 5,511 signatures just a day after its launch.

The request was shared on the petitions page site Addressed to the presidency and Volodymyr Zelensky.

Mr. I am asking the President to consider granting Ukrainian citizenship to Boris Johnson and to submit his candidacy for the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine.

The petition lists positive aspects of the decision, such as global support for Boris Johnson and establishing a clear position on the invasion of Ukraine. However, a restriction is also recognized: would be unconstitutional.

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Ukrainians now have 91 days to sign the petition. The President is obliged to respond if at least 25,000 signatures are collected on the document. Reuters.

The petition was published on the same day that Johnson presented the Ukrainian leader with a Sir Winston Churchill gift. At the ceremony, he compared the Ukrainian president’s leadership to that of the former prime minister, the latter “Appreciated“Zelensky.

Boris Johnson says Winston Churchill “applauded” Zelensky

Boris Johnson has left the leadership of the Conservative Party and resigned as British Prime Minister after an avalanche of resignations and resignations from his government. He has already assured Zelensky that the UK will remain true to its support of Ukraine from the start, whoever is elected.

The will to continue, the strength of the “herd” and the “best job in the world”. Boris Johnson’s resignation speech

Despite his loss of popularity in England, Johnson remains a prominent figure in Ukraine who supported him during the invasion. According to Reuters, some Ukrainians affectionately refer to the former leader as Johnsonyuk.

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