Ukraine: Geronimo accuses Portuguese government of complicity in continuation of war.

At the beginning of his speech at the closing rally of the Communist ‘Reintree’, Geronimo de Souza went straight to the topic of the war in Ukraine.

“The intensification of the war in Ukraine and the spiral of sanctions imposed by the US, the EU and NATO with the complicity of the Portuguese government are inseparable from the rampant speculation and the increase in energy, food and other prices. From the attack on the living conditions of the essential commodities, the population, dragging the world into an even more extreme economic and social situation. are going”, the Communist leader maintained before the participants of the Festa du Avante.

In the view of the PCP Secretary General, “the reality is to demonstrate who is doing everything to ensure that the war does not end” and “who is doing everything to accumulate enormous profits from its continuation”, referring to the arms industry and multinational corporations. In the field of energy.

Six months after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Geronimo de Sousa insisted on leaving the party’s position again before moving on to the following theme: “The PCP is right to be on the side of peace from the beginning. And against war, the PCP is right to defend a political solution to the conflict.

On the other side, he argued, it fostered “incitement to hatred” and “exacerbating xenophobia”.

Geronimo de Sousa criticized the “strategy of confrontation with imperialism”, whose consequences he argued were the people who paid.

All over the grounds, ‘banners’ with pleas for peace can be seen, with the PCP insisting in this edition to distance itself from criticism of support for war and an alignment with the Kremlin.

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“Peace is possible only through justice, which must be succeeded by the struggle against exploitation and oppression,” he added.

The PCB accuses the government of “fake-trust measures” and challenges the executive to intervene indirectly.

The PCP’s general secretary today accused the government of using “hopeful” measures and inflation as justification for not increasing incomes, more or less.

The Communist leader opined that the “one-year-long spiral of inflation, advancing without a brake, is alarming and serious.”

“But the policy of credible measures is no less serious. The policy of changing the purchasing power of salaries and pensions, excluding essential needs, and the necessary and inevitable price control”, he criticized.

According to the general secretary of the PCP, this policy unites the PS government, PSD, CDS, Liberal Initiative and a collection of reactionary and regressive forces of SEGA with their false and hypocritical aid measures to hide their origins and methods. extortion and over-exploitation”.

“While rejecting wage increases as non-inflationary, the inflationary spiral sold the public opinion as a passing phenomenon. We know the bettor’s playbook on job exploitation: when there is no inflation, they refuse to raise wages because of it, when there is inflation, they say ‘inflation.’ Wages are not increased so as not to favor ‘spinning’, he criticized.

In this context, the Communist leader challenged the government to act “don’t hide”.

“This rampage of exploitation and speculation, which continues with impunity, must stop. The government can intervene and not hide behind false regulations, protecting PSD, CDS, IL, Chega and CDS, to serve the interests of big capital and the new privatization liberal order.

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