Ukraine. Cost of living worries Russians more than war, study says

Rising commodity prices worried Russians more in the first quarter of this year than a war in Ukraine or a nuclear attack, according to a survey published Tuesday by Russian daily Kommersant.

“After the start of military action in Ukraine, Russian citizens were more concerned about rising prices,” the newspaper reported on the results of the National Anxiety Index prepared for the Quarterly by Russian communications company Kras.

Western sanctions and Russia’s reaction to the war in Ukraine that began on February 24, next to Russian concerns, Conflict in the third place, The newspaper quoted the Russian agency TASS as saying.

That object “Increasing conflict with the West (war with US and NATO, possibility of nuclear attack)” ranked sixth.According to the newspaper.

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In previous surveys, mandatory vaccination against Covid-19 topped the list of Russian concerns.

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the European Union and many Western countries have enacted a series of economic sanctions against Russia, including a ban on buying Russian oil until the end of the year.

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