Twins are born on the same day and in the same hospital where they were born

ATwin sisters Kayla and Kelly Martins became pregnant at the same time and gave birth to their babies on the same day, hours apart and at the same hospital where they were both born 37 years ago.

O Globo says the coincidence happened a week ago, Friday, September 8, at Hospital Regional Celandia in Brasilia, Brazil.

Kayla was the first to give birth to Isaac at 7:34 am. A few hours later, at 2:04 p.m., Kelly became the mother of her third daughter, Lois.

The sisters stayed together throughout the preparation for the birth. However, after their children were born and after meeting each other’s children, they were placed in different rooms. Kelly revealed to the Brazilian newspaper, “There was a lot of similar information, including physical.

Meanwhile, Kelly and her daughter Lois have already been discharged from the hospital. Keela and Isaac are awaiting the results of new tests because the baby had jaundice, a common problem in newborns and yellowing of the skin, eyes and mucous membranes.

Also read: Identical twins have been wearing the same clothes for (at least) 23 years

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