Here you can’t walk the street naked, in underwear or with sex toys. It’s bachelor parties’ fault

Malaga prohibits walking naked on public roads, wearing only underwear or carrying objects of a sexual…

Satellite images reveal mystery of ‘disappearing’ Russian anti-aircraft defenses – Executive Digest

Russia staged a ‘mysterious’ coup and ‘disappeared’ its valuable S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft defense systems in the…

Summary of ‘Flor Sem Tempo’: Vera loses her head with Mariana

You can now watch the full episode of the soap exclusively on OPTO, SIC’s streaming platform.…

Israel identifies three-week international “diplomatic window”

At a time when fighting near Al-Shifa Hospital has turned the area into a veritable battlefield,…

They followed a trail that wasn’t on Google Maps and needed to be rescued Canada

Earlier in the month, search-and-rescue crews from the Canadian group North Shore Rescue, using helicopter and…

War in the Middle East. The evolution of the conflict between Israel and Hamas up to the minute

Airdropping aid by parachute “is always a last resort when asked by a colleague (from the…

4.0 | General

Remember when we discussed the relationship between Facebook and political events like Brexit and the election…

There are five long weekends and four bridge possibilities in 2024

In April, on Friday, the 26th, the bridge operator can rest for four days. April 25…

“One stroke of magic and two options”. The Ukrainian counteroffensive failed. Now?

As all eyes are on Israel and the Russian campaign against the country’s critical infrastructure draws…

War in the Middle East. The evolution of the conflict between Israel and Hamas up to the minute

“As alarming reports continue to emerge that the hospital has been targeted by repeated attacks, we…