War in the Middle East. The evolution of the conflict between Israel and Hamas

“We hope that the (UN) Security Council will vote on this resolution and that there is…

The EU has reached a “historic” deal on a new deal on migration and asylum

After a marathon of talks that began on Monday, negotiators from the European Parliament and the…

French parliament approves immigration law backed by far-right

The text was approved by 268 votes in favor from the “Macronist” bloc, the main right-wing…

War in the Middle East. The evolution of the conflict between Israel and Hamas

The decision follows recent attacks on merchant ships in the Red Sea launched from Yemeni ports…

The UN Security Council postponed a vote on the resolution until Tuesday

The United Arab Emirates, on the appearance of the new text, requested a postponement of the…

“Patience has a limit”. Madrid hotel workers plan to strike over Christmas and New Year

Hotel workers’ unions are set to go on strike on December 25 and 31 and January…

War in the Middle East. The evolution of the conflict between Israel and Hamas

The three hostages killed in Shejaya, an eastern suburb of Gaza City, were identified by…

Hostages shot by Israeli troops hold clothes with distress calls in Hebrew

The three hostages killed in Shejaya, an eastern suburb of Gaza City, were identified by…

Portugal is among the top ten countries in the world for digital nomads

Spain tops the digital nomad index table. The North American press warns that future changes in…

Putin has warned Finland that joining NATO could cause problems with Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Finland this Sunday that the “friendly relationship” between the two countries…