Kremlin Propagandist Defends Russian Control of US Bases in Europe, Including Portugal – Executive Digest

One of the Kremlin's top propagandists has argued that Russia should occupy US military bases in…

Any resemblance to the original is not entirely coincidental

One of Russia's ways of showing that nothing has changed in the economic structure of the…

Ethiopia has defaulted on more than 30 million euros in debt

“Ethiopia decided not to pay interest on its debt in Eurobonds as it negotiates with the…

Priest creates nativity scene with two women – but not everyone in Italy likes it | LGBT+

A nativity scene in a church with two women representing the mothers of the baby Jesus,…

Spain's king calls for respect for constitution in Christmas message

In his televised Christmas Eve address, the tenth of his reign, Felipe VI focused on reviving…

War in the Middle East. The evolution of the conflict between Israel and Hamas

“The agreement will officially enter into force after the ratification by the member states. I think…

Alexei Navalny reappears. Putin's opponent was taken to the Arctic Wolf Prison, one of Russia's toughest prisons.

Navalny was taken to the IK-3 prison in the Karp region of the Yamal-Nenets region, about…

Tiwa Amon: “The cure for cancer may be at the bottom of the ocean, but we need a chance to find it”

A desert is empty, without light or heat. This is the image most people imagine when…

Here, cod and turkey. There, herring and… KFC? Christmas foods around the world

Andn Portugal, a Christmas menu is known to be incomplete without cod, turkey and desserts including…

War in the Middle East. The evolution of the conflict between Israel and Hamas

Gabon Company Owned M.V. Centcom added in a statement that no one was injured in the…