Madrid withdraws Golden Key badge from Vladimir Putin (with VOX vote against) – Viewer

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After all, the Russian defense minister will hide in a bunker guarded against nuclear attacks – observer

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UK Abramovich worried about poison

In a statement, the British Foreign Office said the allegations were “very worrying”. After participating in…

Abramovich drank poison during peace talks between Russia and Ukraine – War in Ukraine

Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, a former Chelsea owner and ally of Vladimir Putin, and two Ukrainian…

Abramovich and the Ukrainian negotiators are said to have finally fallen ill due to an “environmental factor”.

A U.S. official said Monday that US intelligence had identified the “environmental factor” as a sign…

Volodymyr Zelensky criticizes Germany and France, saying “there are cities that are only dots on the map” – Observer

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Zhelensky admits neutrality and refuses to militarize in an interview with Russian newspapers – Observer

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Russia wants a ‘new Korea’ and Gelensky’s critique of the West rises in tone

After Biden’s emotional speech on Saturday, there was unrest in the context of the war. Macron…

62 murders in 24 hours. El Salvador declares state of emergency – News

The decree, approved by the majority, states that “emergency rule is being imposed throughout the national…

Russia criticizes Putin for ‘personal insults’, advises him to remain silent

JN / Agencies Yesterday at 21:26 The Kremlin today sees US President Joe Biden’s insult to…