Understanding the Conflict (XXXVII): Vague China and deceptive Russia

Five points to understand what is happening in Eastern Europe – and what could change in…

Moscow accuses Ukrainian helicopters of invading Russian airspace and attacking oil deposits

“On April 1, at about 05:00 in Moscow [07:00 em Lisboa]Two Ukrainian Mi-24 helicopters crashed into…

In Odessa, Evan, Maxim and Dennis play adult war with ‘Checkpoint’ to protect Russian spies – News

In Ovidiopol, near Odessa, Ukraine’s third city, three children set up a curve on the road…

The Kremlin announces compulsory spring military service

Every year, tens of thousands of Russians between the ages of 18 and 27 serve in…

The 42-year-old murder was solved by a DNA sample

uA 42-year-old murder case has been settled with a DNA sample. Eve Wilkowitz, a 20-year-old secretary,…

The United States confirms that the Americans are being held captive by Russian troops

Oh The State Department (USA) on Thursday confirmed that it was aware of cases involving US…

Zhelensky warns of Russia’s nuclear threats

“The threat of a nuclear attack is not as great as it has been for decades,…

Russian troops begin withdrawal from Chernobyl nuclear power plant – News

According to a senior Pentagon official, the Russian military has begun withdrawing from Gostomel Airport, northwest…

Putin explains to Shoals and Drake why Russian gas should be charged in rubles – Observer

Russian President Vladimir Putin presented the reasons this Wednesday to German Chancellor Olaf Scholes and Italian…

Russian diplomat announces “strong, best” world order during visit to China – Observer

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced a “just” world order with China during his first visit…