Ukrainian opposition demolishes hotel frequented by Russian leaders in the occupied city of Gershon – Observer

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Back to the Soviet Union? Putin wants party member to rescind Lithuania’s declaration of independence – Observer

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Dozens of people are driving in Berlin. At least one person is dead

The crash happened in the Charlottenburg area near the site of the 2016 Christmas market attack.…

Without “regret”, Merkel says she already knows that Putin “wants to destroy Europe.”

Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has been critical of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine since its…

The man who drowned while three police officers watched: “I will not jump to save you”

This moment was recorded by cameras used by the agents. One person drowned while police officers…

USA: Homeless man drowns in the eyes of unhelpful cops – current events

Agents received an early morning alert on May 28 for an artificial lake area of ​​Tempe,…

Hope movement. Boris Johnson won by 211 votes in favor

Boris Johnson escaped from his Conservative party’s condemnation resolution on Monday. According to Conservative Committee Chairman…

Russia and Belarus are leaving the Bologna educational process

Dmitry Afanasiev, quoted by Russian agencies TASS and Ria-Novosti, said the decision was made following the…

Lavrov blocked travel to Serbia as neighboring countries closed airspace – News

“Today (…), countries around Serbia shut down the communications channel, Sergei refused to recognize the overview…

Maduro claims he has oil for the world, accusing Europe and the United States of economic suicide

JN / Agencies Yesterday at 22:38 Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has accused Europe and the United…