“They are all one”. The ‘Mother of the Year’ had to go to the police station to tell the twins apart

UA woman took to social networking site Twitter to describe a ridiculous episode of trying to tell her twins apart.

“Tomorrow I have to go to the police to get my kids fingerprinted and tell them which one. I won the ‘Mother of the Year’ award.”It started with writing by Sophie Rodríguez, who lives in Argentina, according to International Publications.

In a thread posted on the social networking site, the mother explains that even though her kids sometimes don’t look that much in photos, it’s really hard to see some differences when she’s with them.

“They look different in pictures, but that’s because of different angles and lighting. They look the same in real life.”He promised and shared photos of the twins.

The woman tells the users of the social network that Valentin and Lorenzo cannot be distinguished so easily, and that this suspicion led to a medical incident because one of them had specialists who accidentally vaccinated him twice.

Several users have identified this situation, with one of them saying that his parents made him wear a bracelet to distinguish him from his brother – one wore it on the right wrist, the other on the left. “Legend runs that we ditched them and they were replaced. We’re almost 30 years old, maybe I’m him and he’s me,” joked the user.

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And he said that he could not tell the children apart, and that he knew the difference only when one of the doctors told him which was which, based on weight.

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