There are giant cats everywhere here – everyone thinks it’s normal | Instagram

It is not common to find a big cat resting on the sand, and much less to see a feline paw digging into the earth. However, when it comes to Matt McCarthy’s surrealist works, all of this is possible. for that ArtistLooking to these animals for inspiration since 2018, cats are a versatile creative element and fit into a wide variety of situations and locations. “I’m one of those cat lovers, and I find their personalities endlessly fascinating,” he begins, explaining to P3.

Finding images is easy: first choose the animal, then choose the environment in which it exists. After combining the two photos in Photoshop, we begin to see urban cats peering through passing bodies in Times Square, New York. Meanwhile, rural cats rest in meadows, gardens or in the middle of viaducts.

“I have many favorites, but the most recent one is called Piazza del Atticus And that includes my own cat, Atticus, Stretches in Milan. I rarely use it in my creations, but I took a beautiful picture of it during one of our walks and that inspired me to create this piece”, he reveals.

Each part can take a few minutes or a few weeks to create. It all depends on the “practice” and the “details and changes that need to be made to the film”, he points out. For people called to live in the world of cats, all this is normal.

On the other hand, when he needs a break, ​​the artist becomes a writer and, together with his wife, writes horror scripts – of course, including cats in the stories. In Kitty likeThe most recent is “a couple trying to interpret what a new cat is trying to say,” he adds, signaling that neither of them is ready to listen to the animal.

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Since he started, Matt believes he’s already created more than a thousand collages, “not all masterpieces,” but enough to be successful on social networks, he says. “My surreal works give people the opportunity to live in a world like ours, but with big cats everywhere”, he concludes.

Read all pet articles here.

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