'The Wisdom of Pope Francis'

'The Wisdom of Pope Francis' is the title of a book, or collection of inspiring phrases spoken or written by Pope Francis, elected on the 13th and enthroned on 19 March 2013. It is bilingual. Edition , which constitutes an editorial innovation.

Tony Neves, in Rome, for Vatican News

Andrea Assaf is a journalist specializing in Vatican affairs, with works published in several media outlets. He divides his days and journalistic work between the US and Italy. He follows Popes since John Paul II and has great knowledge and experience accumulated over decades of specialized journalistic work. He explains: 'For some time I wanted to have a piece with inspirational quotes from Pope Francis that I could take with me on transport, during the working day or at leisure. Here it is.

Selected texts are presented under the umbrella of major themes: 'Faith and Joy', 'Hope and Prayer', 'Church and Evangelism', 'Love and Truth', 'Life's Journey', 'Family', 'Building a Better World'. ', 'Listening to God', 'Humility and Idolatry', 'Forgiveness and Mercy', 'Human Dignity, Suffering and Unity', 'Lessons of the Cross'.

I highlight some of the most striking phrases in my reading: 'To protect creation, to protect every man and woman, to care for them with tenderness and love is to open the horizon of hope. It let not a ray of light break through the dark clouds; It is to bring the warmth of hope' (p.17). 'Hope does not mean that difficulties do not exist, but that we have the strength to face them knowing that we are not alone' (p.33). Let the church be a place of grace and trust in God, where everyone is welcomed, loved, forgiven and encouraged. The doors of the church must be opened for all to enter. We must go out through these doors and proclaim the gospel' (p.51).

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'I'd rather have a church that's bruised and sore and dirty from walking the streets than a church that's sick and clinging to its own protection. I don't want a church that cares about being central to everything and ends up in a tangle of obsessions and formalities' (p.56). 'An evangelist should not look like someone from a funeral home' (p.67).

'This is what I ask of you: be shepherds with the 'smell of sheep' and make this true as shepherds among your flock and catchers of men' (p.70).

'I can't imagine a Christian who doesn't know how to laugh. Let us be joyful witnesses of our faith' (p.86). 'We are not part-time Christians, only sometimes, in certain circumstances, in certain decisions; No one can be Christians like this – we are full-time Christians! Absolutely! (p.96).

I want to repeat these three words: please, thank you, and sorry. Three essential words!'. (pg. 125). 'We can do much to build peace, to promote justice and reconciliation, for the benefit of the poor, the weak and the suffering' (p.154).

'War destroys everything, even the bonds between brothers. War is irrational, its only plan is to spread destruction: it seeks to destroy and grow' (p.158).

'Every time we encounter another in love we learn something new about God' (p.167). 'God is knocking at the door of our heart. Shall we put a 'do not disturb' sign on the door?' (p. 170).

'If one has an answer to every question – that is proof that God is not with him. It means a false prophet who uses religion for himself' (p.187).

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'When the stock market falls 10 points in certain cities, it creates a tragedy. A death is not news, but a 10 point drop in profits is tragedy! Thus, people are kept aside as garbage.' (p. 195).

'Like the Good Samaritan, let us not be ashamed to touch the wounds of those who suffer, and try to heal them by acts of true love' (p.232).

'Be an active member! Keep attacking! Play the field, build a better world, a world of brothers and sisters, justice, peace, brotherhood, unity. Always attack and play!' (pg. 237).

The author concludes with a wish: 'Let this book take Pope Francis on our daily journeys as a confidant, as a traveling companion, as a guide' (p.12).

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