The sky will be analyzed this month in a rare alignment of five planets. Here’s how to peek

Don’t forget to look up this weekend to see the start of a rare five-planet alignment adorning the night sky, as the five planets of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will line up this month. This rare phenomenon has not occurred since December 2004, and this year, the distance between Mercury and Saturn will be smaller, according to Sky & Telescope, and stars will need to use their binoculars along with a clear view of the eastern horizon to discover Mercury towards the beginning of the month, the Space magazine said. As June progresses, Mercury will become brighter and easier to see, according to Diana Hanekainen, Observation Editor at Sky & Telescope, and added that the rest of the planets should be visible with the naked eye. She said 30 minutes before sunrise. The night before you plan the alignment show, check when the sun rises in your area, some stargazers are particularly excited about the celestial event, including Henekenen. She traveled from her home west of Boston to a seaside town along the Atlantic Ocean to secure a perfect view of the alignment. “I’ll be there with my binoculars, looking east and southeast and cutting all my fingers and toes it will be clear,” said Hanekainen. You don’t have to travel to look at the event because it will be visible to people all over the world. East to southeast horizon while those in the southern hemisphere along the eastern horizon should look at the northeastern horizon. The only requirement is clear sky in the direction of alignment, Hanekainen said. If you wake up and the weather is blocking the sky, don’t worry. “Just keep going.” Search throughout June and once you have a clear morning, go out and enjoy this view.” This particular celestial alignment can be seen in the hour before sunrise, and by the next day, the moon will have continued its orbit around the Earth, moving it out of alignment with Planets Align the planets in sequential order, the next event will occur in 2040, according to Sky & Telescope.

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Don’t forget to look up this weekend to see the start of a rare alignment of five planets adorning the night sky.

The five planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will line up this month.

This rare phenomenon has not occurred since December 2004, and this year the distance between Mercury and Saturn will be smaller, According to Sky & Telescope.

Space magazine said stargazers will need their binoculars on hand along with a clear view of the eastern horizon to spot Mercury near the start of the month. As June progresses, Mercury will get brighter and easier to see, according to Diana Henekainen, Observing Editor at Sky & Telescope.

She added that the rest of the planets should be visible to the naked eye constantly.

She said the best time to view the five planets is 30 minutes before sunrise. The night before you plan to view the alignment, check When the sun rises in your area.

Some stargazers are particularly enthusiastic about the celestial event, including Hanekainen. She traveled from her home west of Boston to a seaside town along the Atlantic Ocean to secure a perfect view of the alignment.

“I’ll be right there with my binoculars, looking east and southeast and cutting off all my fingers and toes until it’s clear,” Henekäinen said.

You don’t have to travel to look at the event because it will be visible to people all over the world.

Stargazers in the Northern Hemisphere can see the planets from the eastern horizon to the southeastern horizon while those in the Southern Hemisphere should look along the eastern horizon to the northeastern horizon. The only requirement is a clear sky in the direction of the alignment.

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If you wake up and the weather is blocking the sky, you don’t have to worry, Hannekainen said.

“Keep looking for the whole month of June and once you have a clear morning, go out and enjoy this view,” she said.

The moon joins the party

In addition to the five planets, the crescent will also be in alignment between Venus and Mars on June 24.

Henekäinen said that unlike in the days before, this particular celestial alignment can be seen in the hour before sunrise.

By the next day, the moon will have continued its orbit around the Earth, knocking it out of alignment with the planets, she said.

If you miss the alignment of the five planets in sequential order, the next one will occur in 2040, according to Sky & Telescope.

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