The season-ending LIV Golf Championship includes a head-to-head knockout match and a $50 million purse

Golfers will compete for $50 million, the richest purse in the sport’s history, in the season-ending LIV Golf Championship, which is scheduled to be played at Trump National Doral Miami from October 27-30.

Twelve four-man teams will compete for the $16 million first place prize. Teams will be ranked from one to 12. The top four teams will receive a farewell to the quarter-finals. The other eight will compete in the qualifying rounds.

How will seeding be determined? Through a penalty shootout closest to the pin by the team captains, which will occur immediately after the players are drafted.

This was the format for how the team’s championship would operate under the rules and regulations of LIV Golf, which was issued by a US district court in California on Monday as part of a federal antitrust lawsuit against the PGA Tour.

“The Team Series Championship will be played over four days as a head-to-head knockout match, with the winning team being crowned the ‘Team Series Champion’, Section 5.4 of the Rules and Regulations states. ”Each team will be ranked and ranked from one (1) to twelve (12) ) to compete in the Tag Team Series Championship based on a penalty shoot-out taken immediately after the player draft preceding the Tag Team Series Championship, with each team captain taking one (1) shot to hit a target in a “closest-pin” style shooting. “

According to the section[T]The team whose captain’s shot ends closest to the goal will be designated as the first (first) seed and each remaining team will be ranked based on the proximity to the other team’s captain’s shot goal.”

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A spokesperson for LIV Golf told ESPN Tuesday that details of the team’s championship are still being finalized and will be released in the future.

“It’s not too surprising that they would pick something cliched and unoriginal to try and expand the game,” a longtime PGA Tour player told ESPN on Tuesday. “It’s lame as it is. It’s as lame as the s—. It’s XFL. It’s the AND1 Mixtape Tour. It’s not competitive golf. It’s a circus.”

In the qualifying rounds, according to the document, the fifth seeded team will have the first choice in choosing its opponent, with the second seeded team following by its choice and then the third and fourth. The losing teams will be eliminated after each round.

Team matches will consist of two singles match play competitions and one match play competition. Each match is worth one point. Relationships will be severed by a sudden death playoff, in which the leaders select players to compete.

The four players on the runner-up team will receive $10 million, the third will receive $8 million and the fourth will receive $4 million. Teams ranked fifth through eighth will win $1 million each, and teams ninth through twelfth place will receive $1 million each.

“It’s not competitive,” said the PGA Tour player. “Real golfers, guys who play on the PGA Tour and compete in the major tournaments, that’s why they don’t care about this bullshit.”

CEO and Commissioner LIV Golf Greg Norman It will grant up to 12 exemptions to players to compete in the team tournament. The next 24 participants will be determined by the top-ranked players in the singles ranking who have competed in at least four tournaments in the regular season, and the remaining 12 places will move to the top-ranked players in the official golf rankings on October 17, provided they have participated in at least Three LIV Golf events.

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