The Nationalist was elected Prime Minister in a historic nomination

The country's new government leader is Michelle O'Neill, representing the nationalist political party Sinn Féin. Lawyers leaving the United Kingdom and the European Union.

Northern Ireland's parliament this Saturday appointed nationalist Michelle O'Neill as its new prime minister. The promotion of a Sinn Féin representative marks a page in the country's history.

The boycott by the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) government lasted two years and ended after the political force reached an agreement with the UK government led by Rishi Sunak to ease trade frictions associated with Brexit.

“This is a day that represents a new dawn,” O'Neill told the Assembly in his first words as head of government. “I will serve everyone equally, I will be prime minister for everyone,” he promised, as quoted by “Reuters”.

She herself defends Irish reunification, meaning the union of Northern Ireland with the Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom and departure from the European Union.

It should be noted that there have been decades of conflict between nationalists (defenders of a united Northern Ireland) and unionists (pro-British). The country's political paradigm shifted significantly with the election of O'Neill, who reiterated his regret for “all lives lost during the conflict without exception”.

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