The judges, including two Portuguese, found Bolsonaro guilty of crimes against humanity

Since the epidemic began in Brazil, about 684,000 people have died and 34.5 million cases have been registered.

The symbolic sentence was read out today after the Brazilian head of state was put on public trial at a trial at the University of São Paulo by members of the International Court of Justice, which was created in Rome in 1979. Legality because it does not impose sanctions.

The Brazilian president was put on trial this year during the fiftieth session of the Permanent People’s Tribunal (TPP), following a complaint filed in May by several Brazilian human rights organizations, such as the Arns Commission and the Articulation of Brazil’s Indigenous Peoples.

The body’s symbolic arbitrator concluded that Bolsonaro directly contributed to the deaths of scores of Brazilians due to his government’s omissions and missteps in the fight against the pandemic.

Bolsonaro considers Covid-19 a “cold” and delays the purchase of vaccines; He questions the effectiveness of immunizations and opposes social distancing measures recommended around the world.

According to the sentence read by Argentina Eugenio, “It was established that Bolsonaro committed two illegal acts: a serious violation of human rights and a crime against humanity for choosing a health policy against isolation, prevention of infection and vaccination”. Zafaroni is currently a member of the US Court of Human Rights.

The sentence added that the Brazilian government’s handling of the epidemic “maliciously caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people”.

“There is no doubt that thousands of lives have been lost as a result of the decisions of the Bolsonaro-led government. Since the deaths resulted in the intention of privileging the economy to the detriment of human life, this evil cannot be considered final,” added the sentence.

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However, the court dismissed the genocide charge against Bolsonaro.

The decision recommends that the complainants file a complaint with the International Criminal Court.

The jury responsible for sentencing was composed of renowned international legal experts such as former Italian judge Luigi Ferrajoli; Argentina Zaffaroni and Alejandro Machia; The Portuguese Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Luis Moita, the Swiss Jean Ziegler and the British Vivian Stern.

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