The hug between Zelensky and Macron is being discussed on social media

The hug between the theme Emmanuel Macron and Volodymyr Zhelensky on social media after the arrival of four European leaders in the Ukrainian capital. If the French seem enthusiastic, the Ukrainian language will be a little embarrassing..

Around Photo – LUDOVIC MARIN / POOL / AFP via Getty Images
LUDOVIC MARIN / POOL / AFP via Getty Images

Taken inside The result of a press conference of four European leaders – French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholes, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Romanian President Klaus Iohanis – and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky in Kiev this Thursday.

Iohanis, Tragi, Zhelensky, Macron and Scholes – via Kay Knitfeld / Image Alliance Getty Images

In recent months, the relationship between European leaders and Zhelensky has been strained. The Ukrainian leader accuses them of not having a strong position with Russia. But of the four, this Thursday received significant support: Ukraine should be granted “immediate” status as the official candidate for EU (EU) membership.

We support four immediate candidate positions for members“This law will be a guide and will take into account the situation in the Balkans and neighboring countries, especially in Moldova,” said French President Emmanuel Macron.

“Europe is on your side,” he told French President Jelensky. It’s as simple as that. “

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