The government has denied that China supports Russia’s position in the Ukraine conflict

sAccording to the note, the Chinese government is revealing itself “A measured interlocutor associated with westerners adding fuel to the fire” Conflict by providing arms to Ukraine.

Many Western countries, particularly the United States, criticize China for bolstering its economic support for Moscow and accuse Chinese companies of selling goods to Russia to support the Kremlin’s war effort.

“China opposes defamation and false accusations against it”Wang Yi told Antony Blinken that the Chinese will not accept “pressure or intimidation” and that they will “take firm and effective measures to protect their interests and rights”.

China, which shares with Russia a desire to provide a counterweight to the US, has never condemned the Russian invasion and accuses NATO of ignoring Moscow’s security concerns.

However, the Asian giant last year, in a document on war, respected the territorial integrity of all states, and therefore Ukraine.

“We will continue to encourage peace talks” Between Kiev and Moscow, Wang Yi said.

US sanctions Chinese companies accused of supporting Russia’s war effort.

Also Read: China asks US not to “blow coal” in dispute with Manila

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