The “Gate to Hell” is on the rise and it’s very disturbing… see why!

Gates of Hell Patagaika Siberia
Between 2010 and 2024, the “Door to the Underworld” went from 1 km long and 100 m deep to 2 km long and 1 km wide.
Hinedia satal

Hinedia satal Meteorite France 5 min

The “Gate of Hell” is the nickname given to Patagaika CraterIn northeastern Siberia. Every year, the largest crater visible from space grows… Because of global warming! Because of global warming! Him again? However, this is what a study published in the journal Geomorphology reveals. Even scientists are talking “Earth’s Biggest Mega Collapse”.

Patagaika Crater Thawing permafrost collapses on its own. This is it Permanently frozen ground of arctic regions. Due to increase in global temperaturePermafrost melts and creates craters around the edges of the crack. According to researchers, A million cubic meters of water and sand melt every yearFrozen in ice.

deficiency Created in the 1970s. By 2023, subsequent landslides Dragged “23.4 million cubic meters of melted ice and 11.3 million cubic meters of dissolved deposits.” Unfortunately, this Mixing water and dissolved sand releases large amounts (a lot!) of CO2. “Each year, 4,000 to 5,000 tonnes of organic carbon is released. Previously trapped in permafrostsay the authors of the study.

“Permafrost is a Carbon-rich organic matter is yarrowComposed of leftover plant remains Trapped in ice for hundreds of years.Antoine Séjourné explains, geographer. These centuries-old remains, once freed from the ice, Decomposes and releases carbon.

“In arctic regions, temperatures are -50 °C in winter and more than 30 °C in summerIt tends to “Throw the soil surface to a depth of about 1 m”François Costard, specialist in periglacial areas and geologist at the CNRS, explains. “But Global warming has accelerated This trend in recent years warming the permafrost even deeper”He adds.

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The authors note the fact that “The intensity of permafrost degradation processes is linked to changes In Hydrological and Thermal Regimes of the Arctic by Warming, Increase in precipitation and thickness of snow coverThis stimulates the deepening of the seasonally thawed layer that covers the permafrost.”

Both geologists agree “Event is Unstoppable”… “This One of the most important mega landslides on EarthThe situation is alarming as the earth sinks Accelerates uncontrollably.”says the CNRS researcher. “Unfortunately, we can’t Do what we did on some glaciers in the AlpsWe have installed white tarpaulins to prevent everything from falling apart,” continues Antoine Sejournay.

And he warns: “Global permafrost 1500 gigatons of carbon equivalentThat is, double the amount of carbon dioxide currently in the atmosphere”, explains the geologist. If 10% of the carbon trapped in permafrost were released by 2100, this would result in an additional 0.5°C of warming..

If we do nothing to stop global warming, There is a risk of eagerly opening the “gate to hell”…

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