The fifth child is a 10-year-old girl who died after watching a tic-tac-toe challenge

Nyla Anderson is the fifth child to die from a TikTok challenge. A 10-year-old U.S. citizen has died after fainting from not being able to breathe much longer in what has been called the “Blackout Challenge” on social media. Now the mother is accused of killing Dictok.

Last Thursday, May 12, Dwight Anderson has filed a lawsuit against Dictok and its parent company, Byte Dance, accusing them of “maneuvering and looting to promote excessive and dangerous challenges.” As “Viewer “.

In the same process, Nyla’s mother explains that just days before her daughter died, the social network had already recommended “blackout challenge” videos to a 10-year-old girl. Therefore, the American blames the stage algorithm for Nyla Anderson’s decision to fulfill the challenge.

The “Blackout Challenge” consists of holding your breath until you exit. According to Nyla Anderson, following signs of Dictok videos, the woman was accidentally hanged by a hanger and suitcase while her mother was downstairs. After Tavaina found her daughter, Nyla was taken to a hospital, where she stayed for five days until she died. An analysis of the young woman’s cell phone after the death of an American child revealed that Nyla had seen a video of the challenge before the crash.

“I can not stop living in my head that day,” Tawayna Anderson told the Washington Post on Thursday.

Nyla Anderson, the fifth child to die from the “Blackout Challenge”: In April 2020, a 14-year-old boy died in Australia, and in January of the following year, a 10-year-old boy died in Italy. In April 2021, a 12-year-old boy died in the US state of Colorado, and a 12-year-old boy died in Oklahoma in July.

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“Blackout Challenge” – What can parents do to stop it?

Unfortunately, this is not the first challenge that puts young people at risk. With the proliferation of social media in recent years, from the blue whale to the dangers of momo, we see an increase in online risks to children. But, as parents and educators, what can we do to protect our children without drastic measures such as blocking 100% internet access?

Filippa Jordim da SilvaA clinical psychologist explained to MAGG – In the context of the Jonathan Calindo case – These virus challenges have “multiplied again and again in recent years”. “They are the downside of social media and the Internet, which increases the importance of parents and educators teaching children good practices surrounding online use.”

The expert explains that parents and educators’ handling of this new reality of social networking is “basic” and warns that the path is not to intimidate young people, but to inform them and give them the ability to make conscious choices.

“We need to give them the ability to make sensible choices that will protect them, rather than just seeing. These challenges are always aimed at the most vulnerable and recommended age group, they like to keep secrets with their peers and we can never forget something hidden from parents and teachers. The Internet should teach children to use social media and take the time to explain to them what good habits are and, conversely, what can be dangerous. “

According to Filippa Jordim da Silva, close parental supervision is more important than teaching young people to “identify dangerous content and report it in a familiar environment” rather than “causing panic or restricting access online.”

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How can parents and educators be vigilant without making these practices intrusive or restrictive? “It is important to map out access to online content, i.e. through various parental control software. Then, apart from the time they have to spend teaching good online practices, parents should have open conversations about the content that their children will have access to that day.. For example, during the school day, in addition to conversations about friends, parents should also listen to the screens. If kids see something on the internet that they think is fun and that they want to share, and they find something that is embarrassing or incomprehensible to them, “said the medical psychologist.

“Conversation and attention are very important”, but the psychologist thinks it’s not always easy. “It’s true that this is a very challenging exercise, because parents do not have crystal balls, and caring is like a marathon.

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