The Epic Games Store makes one of the biggest games yet for free Christmas

The Epic Games Store’s free gaming event right now could give users one of the store’s biggest games yet on Christmas Day. This giveaway, if it turns out as people hope and expect, would make the former PlayStation exclusive and one of the most talked about games from 2019 free to anyone with an Epic Games Store account. This free game is just that death strandHideo Kojima’s latest game Already a sequel Beside Movie It takes place in the world of the first game.

News death strand Possibly the next free game at the Epic Games Store holiday event comes from the wrapping paper teaser image of the next mystery game. Like other teaser games, it has a symbol indicating what the next game is supposed to be. This necklace shows a necklace with three rectangular objects hanging from it, and it is a necklace that people feel is similar to the necklace Sam wears. death strand. This image can be seen below along with a vote of confidence from one of the top sources for gaming news and deals on Twitter Wario64.

If humor wasn’t enough, Other assets Presumably, it has already been found within the Epic Games store to confirm this death strand It will already be on the free Epic Games Store this Christmas. Pictures show art’s box death strand As in Epic Games’ free-to-play next step added legitimacy to the claim, a teaser from the Chinese version of the Epic Games Store supposedly uses the often-used phrase “Tomorrow is your hands” in game marketing to hype tomorrow’s free-to-play game .

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Of course, nothing has been confirmed yet until Epic Games officially announces its free-to-play game on December 25th, but it looks like it will be. death strand (Basic version, not version Director’s cutaccording to leaks). The only other alternative some have put forward is that the game could be Raji: An ancient epic which features a necklace that looks more like the one pictured, but the leaked origins and belief that death strand A game with big names would be more suitable for Christmas and has led many to stick to their beliefs death strand Being the next free Epic Games Store game.

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