Subway worker, customers are ignoring Karen rude

During the social distancing and stay-at-home orders issued in response to the pandemic, food service workers mentioned A massive rise in rude customer behavior that appears to have persisted long after the pandemic subsided. even one restaurant closing daoN for a “Day of Kindness” to help spread awareness of the mistreatment of its workers at the hands of unruly herders.

American companies adopted the “the customer is always right” philosophy at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and seems to have transferred some American shoppers in a ‘nightmare’ for businesses and their employees long before the outbreak of the pandemic; The epidemic appears to have exacerbated it. Perhaps, the rise of smartphones and the spread of public whims that became fodder for social media opinions helped shed light on more of these human behaviors.

One of these incidents was recorded on Subway by TikTokerchalie_kincade. In the video, a working woman demands that she “finish” making her sandwich. The woman was eventually ignored until she had no choice but to leave the store.

Tweet embed I felt bad for the server. She was doing her job and this woman started yelling at her. #KarenGoneWild #SheWasHangry #RespectYourServers #TheAudacityOfThisWoman #ThisIsSadAF ♬ original sound – Charlie

“My sandwich is finished!” The woman screams at the worker at the beginning of the video.

The subway employee interrupted her, “No, I’m not finished because you need my respect.”

“Well, you need to respect your customers. And I will tell them that you do not respect your customers. Are you going to finish my two parts?” I cried again.

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At this point, the woman begins to look around because she is not receiving any favors. The worker moves on to making sandwiches for two other customers. Another customer asked for a “Cold cut trio”.

“Hello, may I help you?” The operator asks someone else, all this while the angry customer tries to get her attention.

“Can I have 6-inch white bread?” The other customer says.

The angry customer walks around with a little nervousness before pressing his finger on the glass, and demands, “Finish my sandwich!” Nobody responded, and eventually she muttered to herself: “Well, you’ll be reported, that’s for sure.”

She reached the front door and was about to open it to leave before returning to the maid. “Call – call your supervisor now. Please, call her now,” she demands. “I wanted to call her a while ago, call her now. … I’d like to talk to her.” Nobody recognizes her.

“Roasted, no cheese. Roasted,” another customer continues.

Then the angry customer leaves the store.

@chalie_kincad’s video has been viewed 2 million times. Commentators praised the way employees and clients treated the “disrespectful” woman. Many believe that whoever was inside the subway that day figured out an effective way to deal with Karens in the wild.

“The way everyone ignored her, she should have questioned her existence which I love!!!!!” One.

Another said, “They just cheated on her and she didn’t know what to do, so she left, and it was the best thing she could do.”

A third claim: “She was so embarrassed at the end.”

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The Daily Dot reached out to @charlie_kincade via a TikTok comment.

*First published: Sep 6, 2022 at 7:29am CST

Jack Alban

Jack Alban is a freelance journalist for the Daily Dot covering human interest/stories on social media and real people’s reactions to them. Always strive to combine evidence-based studies, current events, and relevant facts with these stories to create your mediocre viral publication.

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