(Image credit: John Chumack/GalacticImages.com)
the Comet C / 2022 E3 (ZFT) It can make a great show for skywatchers in January and February 2023, as it can become visible to the naked eye in the night sky.
Discovered in March 2022 by Zwicky Transit FacilityThe comet made its first near-Earth pass in 50,000 years and had not been seen since the time of the Neanderthals. Since its discovery, stargazers and astrophotographers have captured stunning images of the brilliant green comet. Check out their photos here.
Read more: A possible naked-eye comet will visit Earth for the first time since the Neanderthals in 2023
John Chumack of GalacticImages.com captured the above image from Yellow Springs, Ohio. Shumack wrote that the comet was “estimated to be about 11.00 degrees bright, you can certainly see its tail and 2.5 arcminutes of green coma.”
The photographer also added that “there are several faint (magnitude 16 to 17 magnitude) malignant characteristics.” [Principal Galaxies Catalogue] The galaxies appear in this image as the comet was moving through Ursa Major.”
If you’re hoping to monitor C/2022 E3 (ZTF), our guides for The best telescopes And best binoculars Great place to start. If you’re looking to take pictures of the night sky, check out our guide on How to visualize the moonAnd so do we The best cameras for astrophotography And The best lenses for astrophotography.
Editor’s note: If you caught Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF), and would like to share it with Space.com readers, submit your photo(s), comments, name, and location to [email protected].
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