Steam User Spends 5 Years Buying All Hot Dog Emojis

A cartoon man dressed as a hot dog stands in front of hundreds of hot dog emojis.

picture: Valve / Kotaku / NotionPic (stock struggle)

20-year-old Brian Ho has spent the past six years buying Thousands of icons “:steam2016:”Created by Valve to promote the 2016 summer Steam sales and look Like a hot dog wearing small shoes. On Steam, you can buy emojis from other users in the Community Marketplace or create them by playing games that generate Steam collectibles. You can use it when chatting in Steam, to beautify your profile description, or To make or to invent Super Mario art. Steam emojis are usually $0.10 with practical use and limited aesthetic value, but they mean a lot to Haugh.

“I will never stop looking for Winners,” he told me. “Wieners will stay on my mind until the day I die.”

18 hot dog emoji standing side by side.

Some dogs it is.
screenshot: Brian Ho

Haugh is on a mission to buy every: steam2016: hot dog token available on the Community Marketplace, and has been doing so since the day he turned 16 in 2016. He routinely refers to them as “wieners” or “wieners,” and as of June 30, He had 2,525 of them in his collection, which cost him more than $250. It tracks these numbers in a quick spreadsheet, which contains all of the wiener’s transaction history and depicts the data in a graph called “Wieners purchased over time”.

Graph depicting hot dog emoji purchases.

2018 was a good year.
screenshot: Brian Ho

At first the wine was a joke. “I used to be part of a small group of games that got together to play Mount and Blade: The Napoleonic WarsHe said. “During the summer of 2016, the Steam wiener emoji was launched, and for whatever reason, I was stupid about it. I kept spamming, and our wizard got fed up with others starting to join me. So he banned it, stifling my rights to Use wiener’ emoji.

In response, Haugh and his friends began formulating plans for a “wiener resistance,” which consisted of multiple people sending spam: steam2016: until they were kicked off the server. He started buying the code in bulk soon after in celebration of his phishing success, he says. Do you remember what it was like when you were 16 years old?

List titled "communist plan" Explains how to spam wiener codes.

The 2016 wiener resistance is gaining traction on Steam.
screenshot: Brian Ho

But if you look beyond the teenage boy’s hoaxes, Haugh’s attention to detail cannot be overstated. He is dedicated to his profession, which just so happens to be collecting sausages. He’s so dedicated that he still runs routine checks on Steam’s wiener payload even after feeling he’s already made his “ultimate purchase”, which bought everything available: steam2016:emoticon at the time (except for one at $400) .

“It has become a religion for me,” he said. “It’s always in the back of my mind.” And it changed his understanding of the real hot dog forever—Haugh says, “It might sound weird, but sometimes I’ll see one, and this whole experience will pop into my mind and I’ll laugh.”

In addition to spurring schematic shifts, his purchases may broadly impact the Steam market. Probably the only determinants of: steam2016: token prices, and due to Steam’s spreadsheet and data visualizers, Haugh has evidence that his mass purchases often drive up prices.

A screenshot of a Steam market graph showing the price changes of hot dog symbols.

“At least three days ago, I bought 66 dough makers,” Haugh says of the July 1 price hike.
screenshot: Brian Ho

It is achieved. If you buy each emoji of $0.03 – $0.10 on a specific day, for example, the next day, [emoticons] Selling it will be $0.11. “The average value would have gone up, and other people would start selling their wine at $0.11, which would be the average trading price for that day on the Steam market.”

“The Steam market is similar to the stock market,” he said. “Things can only be bought if someone else is selling them,” which is why the $400 oven was allowed to live.

Our world seems to be getting darker and more filled with monkeypox every day, but at least one man’s loyalty to the gangs remains good and strong.

“I don’t plan on stopping at all,” he said. “There will always be some poor asshole to list a dime-a-dozen dinner maker on the market, and when he does, I’ll be there to buy it.”

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