Square Enix Switch literally ‘Different Everyday Life’

The basic art of various daily life displays the characters of the city.

picture: Square Enix

Octopate Traveler. triangle strategy. forsbook. These are just a few of Square Enix The strangest titles of the game. but today Final Fantasy The publisher reminded the world of one of his all-time greats: different daily life. iOS JRPG now has a Switch port. It came out today and it’s still called, well, this. I’m not sure What’s going on in Square Enixbut I have many, many questions.

This is not meant to be a knockout different daily lifea fully serviceable simulation game for the role-playing game that debuted Apple Arcade in 2019. But I question the checks and balances that exist in a multibillion dollar company that gets a second chance to reconsider the name and go, no, keep it.

then again, different daily life In perfect company. After all, this is the company that brought us first Final Fantasy X-2and then, names like Final Fantasy Type 0. Don’t get me started Kingdom Hearts remaster And the ports. if Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix It wasn’t enough to melt your mind, keep in mind Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue. And of course, Time Square released a JRPG whose name captures the juxtaposition of intriguing premise and broken gameplay: Infinite Undiscovery.

At the same time, my mind is too Final FantasySo full at this point that I can hardly blink an eye at strange questions like Bravely default. The phrase is so illogical that I no longer treat the words as they are: it is simply a proper name that has probably always been around since the birth of the stars. It doesn’t matter that the supplements were called Bravely the second: the end of the class (?) And the Bravely default 2 (???).

It turns out Bravely Default was the default indeed. Square followed it up with Octopate Traveler And earlier this year, triangle strategy. Currently triangle strategyAt first project triangleComing to PC, and Octopate Traveler he is Get a supplement: Octopath Traveler 2 (He poured one out for “Octopath Traveler Second” – didn’t even get a chance). And we still have The DioField ChronicleAnd the HarvestellaAnd the foresbook All that comes in the next six months.

Thank God I’m an adult now and I don’t have to worry about my parents coming to my room asking what I’m playing. But there are people in this world who still need to ask their parents or friends to download these games for them, or go to GameStop and say things like, “Is it too late to pre-order? The DioField Chronicle? ‘Uh, sorry boy, we’re not that kind of shop. Try the pharmacy down the street.’

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