Sony reveals plan to end PS4

Sony revealed that it plans to discontinue the PlayStation 4. Finally, first released in 2013, the PS4 has become not only one of Sony’s most successful consoles but also one of the best-selling video game consoles of all time. Despite this, Sony is now looking to sell the PS5 as its primary hardware, which means the PS4 is naturally coming to an end. Now, thanks to new guidelines from Sony, we have an idea of ​​when the PS4 will officially stop.

Described in the latest Sony releases financial offerIt was made clear that PS4 games will be gone by 2025. This does not mean that older PS4 games will not be purchasable, but it is clear that Sony plans to release new titles on the platform by this time. Instead, by 2025, Sony has predicted that the majority of its gaming-related revenue will originate from PlayStation 5, with titles on PC and mobile also bringing in the other half of its income.

Overall, this obviously shouldn’t come as a surprise given that the PS5 will be Sony’s main focus in the coming years. However, it’s worth emphasizing that at this very moment, PS4 is a platform that Sony is still making and releasing games for. In fact, the biggest PlayStation game of the year, God of War RagnarokIt is still expected to release on PS4 when it arrives.

At some point in the coming years, Sony will likely end up with a bigger announcement regarding the PS4 and the official end of its life cycle. As we have now been informed, this announcement should end before 2025, so be sure to prepare accordingly.

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Are you sad to see that the era of PS4 is clearly coming to an end? And when do you think Sony will officially stop manufacturing the console? Give me your best either in the comments or send me a message on Twitter at Trustworthy.


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