“Send this message.” The London striker’s mother breaks her silence

The The mother of an 11-year-old boy accused of attempted murder after stabbing him in central London on Monday lamented “what happened”.

According to the British press, Magda Kirla last spoke to her son, Ioan Bindaru, on the morning of the attack. Asked what she thought about what had happened, she regretted it and said, “Sad.”

“Please send this message to everyone: I’m so sorry for what happened to that girl. I’m suffering along with her mother, I can’t describe the pain I’m going through. I’m a mother myself and I understand what she’s going through.” , he said.

Remember that the suspect is 32 years old, Romanian citizen and has no fixed address.

According to the Mirror, Magda Kirla lives in Buceosa, Romania. The son moved to England from that Romanian city six years ago and had a long-term relationship with the mother of his four-year-old daughter.

He returned to his home country in May 2022, but shortly after he returned to the United Kingdom to work, but was injured in a road accident and was out of work.

A long-haul truck driver, he was described as homeless when he appeared in court this week.

Remember that the man stabbed the child eight times in the face, neck, shoulder and wrist. The child may need plastic surgery due to the injuries.

Had it not been for the intervention of a guard at a nearby shop, the incident would have resulted in a loss of life.

It is to be noted that although initially the child’s mother was also reported to have been stabbed, the blood was later found to be the daughter’s.

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Also Read: Ion Bindaru. Who stabbed the child “8 times” in London?

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