Russians can’t enter French fortress because of war – News

Russian citizens are prohibited from visiting Vincennes CastleA medieval fortress and tourist attraction on the outskirts of Paris has been damaged by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, officials told AFP.

Once the residence of French kings and one of the best-preserved monuments in Europe, the castle is open to the public for tours, concerts, plays and other events. However, two Russian women have been denied entry in the past.

“A metal detector guard asked to see my passport,” said one of the women, a journalist, 31, who left Russia “because of the war” and has been in France for five months.

The woman, who asked not to be identified, told AFP that when the document was inspected, the guard told her she could not pass.

Another guard also refused her entry, citing that she was Russian.

Contacted by AFP, the Defense Ministry confirmed on Monday that it had granted “restricted access to military facilities to Russian citizens” because of the invasion.

It should be noted that the fort also houses part of the historical archives of the French Armed Forces, access to which is restricted.

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