Russian prosecutor orders “strict control” of foreign companies suspending proceedings – observer

A Russian prosecutor on Friday ordered the “strict control” of foreign companies that have announced they will suspend operations in Ukraine due to Russian military intervention.

“Lawyers will establish strict control over compliance with labor law, the terms of employment contracts, pay, and the performance of contractual obligations to contractors and the Russian Federation,” the attorney general said in a statement.

The report also said that Russia would “firmly suppress” any attempt by companies to leave the country “for failing to fulfill their obligations unilaterally.”

The attorney also guarantees criminal action against companies that go down the “imaginary or planned” bankruptcy path..

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Hundreds of companies, including Coca-Cola, H&M, McDonald’s, IKEA, Shell and PP, have already announced that they will suspend or suspend operations in Russia.

Without uttering the word “nationalization”, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday acknowledged the possibility of appointing “foreign” executives and starting to manage the assets of foreign companies leaving the country. To deal with the consequences of international sanctions imposed after the invasion of Ukraine.

Hundreds of thousands of jobs are threatenedWestern sanctions, which at one time attacked the Russian financial system, but the industry, are in danger Pushed Russia into a deep economic crisis.

So far, they have already done so Ruble fall and further rise in inflation.

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