Russian children are sent to summer camps in North Korea

A Russia plans to send children to the Sondwon summer camp in North Korea, Grigory Kurov, head of the Russian youth movement ‘Movement of the First’, said as quoted by RIA Novosti.

According to Crowe, a trip to the North Korean camp is planned for the end of July and Russia wants to send groups of children accompanied by advisers.

“We are planning collective changes in the field…planning the exchange of children”, Crowe highlighted.

According to the leader of the ‘First Movement’, the exchange will be called ‘Sondovon’ and will be equivalent to the ‘Artech International Center for Children’, which organizes camps for children from Ukraine. Educational programs for children and Ukrainian youth.

Notably, the announcement follows the signing of a strategic partnership agreement between Russia and North Korea on June 19. In addition, Pyongyang has been supplying Moscow with large-scale military munitions against Ukraine.

In turn, Moscow continues to build military training camps and re-education programs for Ukrainian youth in other Russian-occupied territories.

Read more: Ukraine’s Kharkiv “under control” while Russia advances in Donetsk

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