Russia says military aid proves it wants NATO expansion

NoUN convened by Russia to discuss supply of Western weapons to Kiev At a Security Council meeting, Nebenzia said “the West is waging a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.”

“The West continues to say that it is not a party to the conflict and that it is helping Ukraine to defend itself. However, the opposite is true. The West is waging a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. This meeting of the Council on sending Western weapons to Ukraine, in February, did not reduce their volume, but it continued to grow,” argues the Russian ambassador.

“This demonstrates the intention of NATO member states to escalate. Obviously, they are not interested in any peaceful solution to the conflict,” the Moscow representative added.

According to Nebenzia, sending more powerful weapons to Ukraine, combined with the continued provision of intelligence on attacks and training of Ukrainian soldiers, makes these Western countries “not only parties to an armed conflict with Russia, but […] But complicity in the war crimes of Ukrainian armed forces and nationalist battalions”.

“Russia reserves the right to take all necessary measures to neutralize security threats,” the ambassador concluded his statement.

“The objectives of the special military operation will be achieved,” he asserted.

On the other hand, the United States of America (US) denies that the arms supply is responsible for the escalation of the conflict, accusing Russia of “distorting” the story.

“Weapons for Ukraine’s territorial defense do not escalate or intensify this conflict. Rather, they serve to deter Russian aggression and an even greater invasion of Ukraine’s sovereign territory. These armed vessels help prevent Russia from further brutalizing Ukrainian citizens, forcing them from their homes, and powering Europe and the world.” are driving up food costs,” Ambassador Robert Wood said.

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“If Moscow had any real desire to escalate, it would simply withdraw its troops and end its invasion,” he added.

A US diplomat accused Russia of “hypocrisy” for calling the Security Council to discuss the issue and blaming others for the death and destruction its aggression is causing in Ukraine.

“Russia is too cynical to listen to this debate, while launching relentless missile and drone strikes on cities and critical infrastructure, killing civilians — all in service of the Kremlin’s bloody land grab in flagrant violation of the UN Charter.” , Wood underlined. , similar to the position of other European countries such as the United Kingdom and France.

Ukraine’s Permanent Representative to the UN also attended the meeting, saying his country would continue to exercise its right to self-defense under the UN Charter.

“We will continue to fight until every Ukrainian citizen and every part of our sovereign land is freed and we will continue to fight until Russia faces military defeat in Ukraine. We will continue international solidarity until all Russian war criminals are held accountable,” Serhiy Kislitsa said.

Apart from the member states, the Security Council meeting of the UN Also includes a ‘lecture’ by Adedeji Ebo, director of the Office for Disarmament Affairs, who draws attention to reports that Russia has received weapons from other countries.

“There have also been reports of states transferring or planning to transfer weapons — such as drones and ammunition — to the Russian armed forces for use in Ukraine, artillery rockets, to non-state groups fighting against Ukraine,” Ebo said.

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The war in Ukraine engulfed Europe in what is considered the most serious security crisis since World War II (1939-1945).

The number of dead and wounded in the conflict is unknown, but several sources, including the UN, agree it could be higher.

Ukraine’s Western allies have provided weapons to Kiev and sanctioned a series of economic sanctions against Russian interests to try to reduce Moscow’s ability to finance its war effort.

[Notícia atualizada às 23h38]

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