Russia has warned NATO Sweden and Finland to join the alliance

Russia warned NATO on Thursday that Sweden and Finland would join a military alliance. It says it needs to strengthen its defenses and that the idea of ​​a “nuclear-free Baltic” will no longer exist.

“We can no longer talk about the Baltic state without nuclear weapons, the balance must be restored,” said Dmitry Medvedev, vice president of the Russian Security Council.

This is not the first time Russia has commented on the merger of the two countries into NATO. Does not bring stability and security to Europe.

Sweden’s Foreign Minister Ann Linde considered Russia’s unacceptable threatsThe After the Russian invasion of Ukraine they went to their country and Finland for a possible decision to join NATO.

The Swedish diplomat noted that the security situation in Europe had changed dramatically since the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The Prime Minister of Finland acknowledged this on Wednesday A decision will be made “in the coming weeks” Whether or not to apply to the Atlantic Alliance.

Although not a member of NATO, Finland is a close partner of the Atlantic Alliance and a member of the European Union (EU). In recent weeks, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, opinion polls have shown a significant increase in support for Finns joining NATO, with nearly 60% of people preferring the option, doubling the previous figure.

A NATO summit is scheduled for June 29 and 30 in Madrid, and Finnish Foreign Minister Peka Havisto recently admitted that several coalition members had questioned him about Helsinki’s candidacy before that date. The Prime Minister agrees that what is now, is a possible scenario.

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