Russia could have fired nuclear missile at Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, says Russian presenter – Observer

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On Monday, Westminster Abbey welcomed 2,000 guests funeral rites of Queen Elizabeth II. The British royal family was joined by members of other royal families and politicians from around the world, including US presidents Joe Biden and France’s Emmanuel Macron. According to a Russian commentator, this would have been the perfect moment for Russia to launch a nuclear attack on the UK.

Family, royalty, presidents and friends. From Biden to Juan Carlos, guests are pictured at Isabel II’s funeral

On the pro-Kremlin talk show 60 Minutes, which aired on the Russia-1 channel, host Olga Skabeeva suggested that Moscow may have carried out the attack during the funeral. The video was originally translated into Russian and revealed Julia Davis, a columnist for The Daily Beast who follows Russian media, on social media.

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It all started when commentator and Duma deputy Andrey Kuruliov responded warning The US president has let his Russian counterpart know that there will be consequences if Russia uses nuclear or chemical weapons in Ukraine. In response to Joe Biden’s statements, Kuruliov said This situation is possible, but not in Ukraine.

“What makes you think we will launch a nuclear attack against Ukraine? We still have to live there,” he insisted. The commentator then suggests that they could turn their attention to Ramstein, the US air base in Germany, but this is a target that can wait in his opinion. Alternatively, he says, they can attack England.

Why should we bomb Ukraine and Germany when England is the root of evil?

It was at this stage that they should have captured the moment of the funeral, says presenter Olga Skabeeva. “We should have done it today [segunda-feira], Everyone was there for the funeral“, he said.

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Kuruliov says that if there is a nuclear attack, the United Kingdom “Mars will become a desert”.It undermines the possibility of NATO responding under Article 5 – which states that an attack on a member of the bloc is considered an attack of violence against all allies.

According to Sky News, the program is notorious for disinformation about the war in Ukraine and is often used as a vehicle for Russian propaganda. This is not the first such comment on Russian television, as in May, Dmitry Kislyov, one of Vladimir Putin’s allies and one of the Kremlin’s main propagandists, No more England.

“No more England.” Vladimir Putin’s ally is threatening to nuke the UK

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