Round Up: Reviews for Ghoul Tactics: Reborn

Ghoul Tactics: Reborn
Photo: Square Enix

It’s already been a very exciting month in the video game world, and if Sonic and Pokémon weren’t enough already, Square Enix has released today as well. Ghoul Tactics: Rebornbased on the classic series of the same name.

We already have some positive early impressions and now have a bunch of reviews covering all versions of the game. Our Nintendo Life review will appear in the near future as well. So stay tuned for that!

Sister site push the boxwhich focuses on everything related to PlayStation, gave the game eight out of ten stars:

“The strategic RPG genre owes largely to the Tactics Ogre series, which is packed with lesser titles that attempt to recreate even a fraction of its winning formula. The experience that lies at the heart of Tactics Ogre: Reborn has stood the test of time admirably and thanks to the suite of clever mods and quality-of-life improvements that Entered, she is likely to remain at the top of the group for years to come.”

Another one of our friends VG247 He said this new version was “better”, giving it 5/5:

“In a world that has seen Square Enix fall with its remasters (examples include the lackluster Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters and Kingdom Hearts on Switch), Tactics Ogre: Reborn brings out something special — changing the guard, so to speak, that bodes remarkably well for the rest of the publisher’s work. Classic RPG”.

mako reactor The game gave the game 9.5 out of 10 stars, which also highlights how good the system feels on some other mobile platforms (we’re sure it’ll translate well to the Switch after that):

“Tactics Ogre: Reborn on PC is a staple for Tactics RPG fans with its deep gameplay, tons of customization, super soundtrack, and just how awesome looking it is on Steam Deck. It took Square Enix a long time to bring Tactics Ogre back again, and I’m happy Because we got a great copy of it.”

Our colleagues at Eurogamer He called it “The Magnificent Renaissance” and praised the latest edition:

“Even if you don’t play this version, it’s a game you should definitely play.”

and people in RPG Just as it was taken with it – awarding the title 9.5/10:

Ghoul Tactics: Reborn He’s hit a hard time with his goals to update an admittedly outdated game… It’s a pleasant surprise to see Square Enix put so much meticulous attention into every aspect. Think of it like an old house. I needed dust. It has the characteristics of the original period that requires a certain wood tint, so it does not rot. Square Enix has given this home a total makeover, using the right tools for every job and restoring the sparkle you remembered when you were young. In the context of this game, it’s a huge victory, but it also makes me wish they had put a lot more effort into their other recent remasters.”

Would you add this game to your Switch collection? Tell us in the comments.

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