Robert wins again – POLITICO

A hundred million here, a hundred million there, they might snag your money. But in Murdoch’s world, paying such settlements is just the cost of doing business à la Murdoch. The alternative to settling with Dominion for telling a series of lies about voter fraud was a drawn-out, painful courtroom drama. A stream of ugliest was going to appear on Fox’s image, day in and day out, as Dominion made its case. Even after the case was over and an appeal began, the Fox brand could have been stigmatized further, and Shame and belittlement It would have settled on Murdoch and Fox executives and Fox hosts Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Maria Bartiromo, Laura Ingraham and Bret Baier, all of whom Dominion planned to put on the witness stand. Coming out from under all that damage for $787.5 million is kind of a bargain for a company with scope The market value is $17.3 billion. Fox has $4.1 billion in cash and notes within reach, he says New York times.

According to early press reports, Fox will not have to apologize or admit wrongdoing in any way. Like the phone hacking scandal, like the sexual harassment cases, like the Seth Rich case, like the voucher case, this settlement will allow Fox media to get back to cruising speed and even continue its lousy ways. When Murdoch was disgraced by the phone-hacking scandal he shut down world NewsObservers hoped that he or one of his sons would adjust the company’s style. But here we are more than a decade later, and The Murdoch Project is as tainted as ever.

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There were already whispers that the settlement would tame the Marduk Beast. Fox News will tread more carefully. This shame of Fox will bleed into the media diets of its most loyal viewers and they will begin to look at Fox News with new eyes as enlightenment burns through their consciousness. Do not fool yourself. If you had a machine that dumped the kind of money that Fox has, you wouldn’t mess around with it.

Sure, Fox might choke back up for a few months as it fills the big sack with Dominion settlement cash. But you can already imagine Murdoch, after a decent interval, Install a copy paper base And giving a “caliphate”-style speech to the Fox team that it’s time to put the bad news behind them and urge them to prepare for the 2024 presidential election as it returns to its dubious formula of lies and distortion. How can we confidently predict this shift? Because since Rupert Murdoch’s exit from Adelaide, Australia, since he conquered the newspaper market in England, since he dominated satellite TV news with Fox, he pushed his way out of the woods. Dominion Affair and Al The Smartmatic case is similar Waiting for her spot on the defamation slate, are no aberrations for Fox. It’s all part of the Murdoch way of doing business.

Fox will remain an indispensable part of Murdoch Enterprises. Most, if not all, of the Fox hosts who helped push Donald Trump’s stolen election lie in gullible viewership will continue to anchor their shows. Fox will continue to air his episode. the Fox viewers who have lost faith In Elections Network, the lies will forget the time lapse when mothers forget the trauma of childbirth and return to the network as it so subtly motivates their own fears and grievances.

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And Rupert Murdoch, the indestructible Rupert Murdoch, will continue as ever. He will have won again.


Is Murdoch immortal? Submit your guesses [email protected]. New email alert subscriptions are not honored at this time. for me Twitter Feed watching the NFL on Fox. for me mastodon And mail The accounts owe me $787.5 million. Substack notes say I owe her $787.5 million. for me RSS Feed was not surprised by the settlement.

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