“Respect the no-smoking rules.” Ukrainians mock Russians over Crimea bombing – The Observer

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The war did not rob them of their sense of humor. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February this year, Ukrainians have not spared jokes – whether in the form of memes or tweets – mocking the Kremlin.

The most recent was related to the August 9 Ukrainian attack on a Russian airbase in Crimea, which according to the Kremlin, injured 14 people and left one dead. Kiev Denied right of attack: “Of course it has nothing to do with us”, assured Wednesday, August 10, Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podoliak, who did not exclude the possibility of civil action seeking to liberate Crimea, annexed by Russia in 2014.

The Ministry of Defense denied Ukrainian responsibility for the explosions, but left an advisory for Russian forces at the base: “Respect the no smoking rulesSoon after, he shared a picture on Twitter of a huge cloud of black smoke and beach huts (especially Images show people leaving the beach following the blasts), with the phrase: “The presence of occupation troops on the territory of Ukrainian Crimea does not coincide with the high tourist season.”

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Soon, social networks were filled with references to the statements of the Ministry of Defense. “Somehow I feel that smoking in ammunition depots and fuel stations is not a good idea,” wrote, for example, The Give Independent journalist Ilya Ponomarenko.

Following the bombing, Russian-backed Crimean forces declared a state of emergency. A few hours earlier, a spokesperson for actor Leslie Nielsen told the cameras that everything was under control, despite smoke billowing behind him. A situation similar to that in the movie “Aonde É Que Para a Polícia”, with the same actor as the protagonist (and a popular internet meme). Of course, the situation led to another wave of jokes circulating on social media.

The Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday that explosions at a Crimean military airfield that destroyed at least nine planes were an accident. “No attack on ammunition storage area”

Although Ukraine denied the attack, in his regular daily video message, on Tuesday night, August 9, Zelensky maintained that the war in Ukraine did not begin with Russia’s invasion of the country on February 24 this year, but with the occupation of Crimea in 2014. “This Russian war against Ukraine and this Russian war against all free Europe started from Crimea and must end with Crimea – its liberation”.

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