Regrets the Spanish trans operation. “Ruined My Life”

susana Domínguez is Spanish and 24 years old. At the age of 15, Sebastian underwent a gender reassignment process. Now, remorseful, she says she had poor psychological and psychiatric follow-up and insists the doctors and general hospitals who operated on her “ruined her life”.

Susana tells El Mundo that it took her six years to realize that her mental health problems, including depression and schizoid personality disorder, may have prevented her from making the right decision.

So, in 2020, she wanted to see a psychologist who approved her gender reassignment — and whose diagnosis allowed her to have her uterus removed.

I wanted to explain to her that I thought they both misunderstood. As the psychologist said, he is not a boy in a woman’s body. In fact, she told the psychologist, she had always been a woman, but a woman with serious disorders that had nothing to do with transgenderism. Some disorders are not diagnosed in time by him as a psychiatrist.

Over the course of six years, Susanna had her breasts and uterus removed and, in addition to receiving male hormones, found her body irreversibly altered.

The young woman notes that despite not receiving psychological support during her gender transition, she and her mother never stopped seeking help on their own – as Susanna had already attempted suicide several times.

This is how what they believed to be the cause of the illnesses emerged: traces of an autistic spectrum disorder that even that first specialist had failed to detect.

According to the same newspaper, neither a psychologist from Galicia’s health service nor another former public health psychiatrist evaluated Susana’s genetic heritage: at least six members of her family – including her mother and two brothers – were mentally ill.

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“Now how do we solve this?”, Susanna’s mother asks in frustration. Susana argues that she was too young, only 15 years old.

A young woman has neither male nor female reproductive system, and to try to get back to her ‘original self’, she must switch to female hormones.

Susanna and her family filed a complaint against the Galician Health Service, accusing the psychologist of misdiagnosis.

This is the first case of a trans person regretting the act in Spain, but other cases have emerged around the world in recent years. For example, in the United Kingdom, in 2020, Keira Bell was awarded compensation after a court agreed that she was not mature enough when she changed her gender at the age of 15.

Also Read: “That’s Awesome”. It was unusual for the grandmother to see her transgender granddaughter in costume

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