Reflection on the Second Sunday of Advent

The 2nd Sunday of Advent liturgy brings us this good news that our suffering, our pain will end because the Lord will come with his message of peace.

Father Cesar Augusto, SB – Vatican News

In an environment where people are not happy despite oppression, liberation, opening a window, a door becomes essential.

This perplexing situation prevailed among the people of Israel, and finally, after 40 years, a prophet appeared to announce that deliverance was at hand. A new spirit was reborn in the hearts of the people and expectations were high. A glorious light appeared to them at the end of the tunnel. As you walk, you move closer to liberation. Every step forward is always a step towards happiness, in fact, any step gives this sense of happiness, happiness.

We who live in hardship, those who face severe difficulties, those who face intractable problems, change and create new lives when we know that there is a solution, a positive, liberating solution.

Liturgy for the 2nd Sunday of Advent brings us this good news, as the Lord will come with His message of peace and put everything in its place, and men will once again enjoy peace and joy. Peace in their lives. He was called to live, in which he will live eternally.

God acts and sends His Messiah, but God also asks for our conversion, and, often, our adherence to sin, solidarity with the oppressor, our conformity to a situation of injustice, which favors failure to change the dominion.

Therefore, we are responsible for the misfortunes that befall us and our brothers. Therefore, we must examine our consciences regarding our participation or coexistence in situations of oppression and discover what ties bind us together in sin.

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Apart from repentance, we can only be forgiven if we make a decision to change our lives and values. It is necessary for us to become good and godlike. Only then will the way be paved for the coming of the Messiah of the Redeemer, and life will reveal us and be revealed among us.

Let’s get ready for Christmas! But the real preparation, which has eternal dimensions, is the changing of our hearts. Changing hearts to others, to God, to doing good and improving lives!

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