Reflection on the 4th Sunday of Lent

Faced with radical surrender to God, complete devolution, complete renunciation, emptying ourselves, our hearts must learn the lesson of love and mold themselves to the Crucified.

Father Cesar Augusto, SJ – Vatican News

If there is one image of Jesus that I like best, it is the image of the crucified Lord. I see in it the greatest sign of our faith, and the clearest sign of God's love for us. It is a picture of radical surrender to the Father out of love.

On the other hand, we are concerned when some Christians say that the image of the Crucifixion shocks them and that it should not be revealed, but that of the risen Lord. It is true that the risen Christ is the last word.

In this Sunday's Gospel, the Lord says that he must be raised so that all who believe in him will have eternal life. Under God's direction, Moses reminds Nicodemus of the episode in the desert when he raised a pole from which hung a bronze serpent. All those bitten by snakes should look at the bronze and they will be healed.

All of us, in heaven, were bitten by the serpent of selfishness, selfishness and all evil. For our healing, we must look with faith to the Crucified One, the source of life, harmony and peace, the greatest witness of the Father's love for us. Faced with radical surrender to God, complete devolution, complete renunciation, emptying ourselves, our hearts must learn the lesson of love and mold themselves to the Crucified.

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Beloved brothers and listeners of Vatican Radio, when we manifest the sun, we do nothing and allow its light to bring the fruit it needs to our being. Our spiritual life and, why not, our psycho-emotional maturity, must fix our gaze on the figure of Christ crucified, the greatest symbol of liberation, maturity and surrender to love.

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